Scientists have found a completely new species of whale.
Scientists have found a new and hitherto unnamed species of whale in Mexico. Why has such a large organism not appeared in anyone's eyes till date, this question is surprising.
Marine researchers in Mexico's coastal areas were searching for a rare species of whale. That is why they were not seen nor recorded whales yet. The US National Oceanic and Atomosphere Administration (NOAA) has described it as a new species of bleached whale.
This new species was found in herds near San Benito, a remote island in Mexico. Scientists were looking for Perrin's beaked whale. Perrin beaked whales have been found dead only to date. After death their remains reach the shores.
The new species is slightly smaller than the rest of the whales. Generally whales can grow up to five meters long. The texture of the mouth of new whales is quite different. Their mouths resemble beaky dolphins more than whales.
NOAA's Senior Fisher Scientist Dr. Jay Barlow says, "We saw something new. Something that we hadn't imagined in the area. Something that, on sight, even on the basis of sound, does not match up to what has been present so far."
Marine biologist Andrew Reid says, "The truth is that they were looking for a rare whale and something completely unimaginable has come to light, that's tremendous, that's the joy of science."
The team of scientists have taken water samples from the new whale area. It is expected that clues of the exposed skin of the new species will be found in these specimens. If this happens, DNA sampling can be done. Only after DNA testing, 100 percent scientific claims and classification can be made. If all goes well, the 24th member will be added to the beaker whale species.
Barlow says, "Such a big creature. Imagine that such a huge creature has not yet been seen. There are many such mysteries in the sea."
Researchers will now revisit that area in 2021. It is expected that in the future they will get both new species and perine beaked whales.